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Drunk Driving

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20 Mar


How do you know when you are too drunk to drive?

When you swerve to miss a tree….and then realize it was your air freshener.

“Alcohol clouds judgment, leaving a trail of destruction behind.” “The party may end, but the consequences of drunk driving can last a lifetime.” “Think before you drink and drive, because there is no rewind button in life.”

“Drunk driving is a foot on the accelerator and a hand on the trigger.”

Never even think about driving a car if you have taken a drop. It's much worse to see a woman drunk than a man: I don't know quite why this is true, but it just is. Don't ever be responsible for it. If you drink, don't drive. Drive sober or get pulled over.

You can face charges if your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 or more, or if you are in the warn range (blood alcohol concentration between 0.05 and 0.079). Under Ontario's zero-tolerance law for young, novice, and commercial drivers, you cannot have any alcohol in your system if you are: age 21 or under. A lot of teens try to say no to alcohol, but it just doesn't listen.

Experimentation with alcohol during the teen years is common. Some reason that teens use alcohol and other drugs is curiosity. to feel good, reduce stress, and relax. Studies show more teens are drinking when they face challenges with their girlfriends or boyfriends. At this age they feel if you don’t drink, how will your friend know you love them at 2 AM?

A peer's advice - Don’t drink to forget someone. You’ll end up seeing double. Drinking alcohol is like pouring gasoline on your anxiety.

The detrimental effects on the central nervous system intensify as an individual's blood alcohol content rises. Alcohol enters the body immediately through the stomach and small intestine walls. After that, it enters the bloodstream and builds up until the liver metabolizes it. The amount of alcohol in a given volume of blood is used to calculate a person's alcohol level. “The driver on the highway is safe not when he reads the signs, but when he obeys them.”

What is the cause of drunk driving? - One of the chief influences upon the decision to drive impaired was simply a person's failure to recognize or admit that they were under the influence of alcohol. This happens because alcohol depresses your central nervous system and interferes with your brain's communication pathways, affecting how your brain processes information. You know for sure you are Drunk if your GPS Says “After 300 feet, stop and let me out”

Hard to believe - Annually: We estimate between 1,250 and 1,500 people are killed and more than 63,000 are injured each year in Canada in impairment-related crashes.

DUI (Driving under the influence) is a felony that can be indicted and carries a maximum ten-year jail sentence. DUIs are classified as hybrid offenses in Canada, meaning that the Crown Attorney may choose to pursue the crime as an indictment (a felony) or summarily (a misdemeanor). It takes 24,637 BOLTS to put a car together, but only one NUT to spread it all over the road.

Jokes apart - If you are stopped by police and asked to provide a breath sample at the roadside or the police station or any other location, such as a hospital, you are legally required to provide one. Failing or refusing to comply with a breath demand is a serious criminal offense. Well…. The problem with drinking and driving is that trees defend themselves very well.

Did you know that - In most cases, an individual with a past DUI would be considered inadmissible to Canada for 10 years after the completion of the sentence? However, you may be able to apply for Permanent Residency in Canada once you have cleared your inadmissibility to Canada via the Criminal Rehabilitation application.


If an inebriated driver avoids death or serious injury to others in an automobile accident, they will have to bear the consequences. More devastating than any physical injury may be that emotional load. However, driving while intoxicated also poses serious health risks. Accidents resulting from drunk driving can include paralysis, disfigurement, brain damage, and even death.

“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.”

Cop to the Driver “Please step out of the car.” Driver, “I’m too drunk, you get in.”

The drowsiness caused by alcohol affects a driver's ability to coordinate and make decisions. Even simple driving skills like avoiding an accident or changing lanes quickly and decisively are impossible for a motorist under the influence. Drunk drivers put everyone on the road in danger and raise the possibility of fatal car crashes.

Not only does impaired driving impact those in cars. Drunk boaters, jet skiers, and bikers are all susceptible to mishaps and injuries. A Lady police officer stops a gentleman for DUI – the man replies “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning, I will be sober, and you will still be ugly. Guess What – He was put in a jail.  Seriously…” You are not just taking a risk when you drink and drive, you are taking lives.”

Drunk driving may be the symptom of an alcohol addiction. Continuing to drink in spite of a DUI conviction or a stint in jail is often a telltale sign of addiction. If you or someone you care about is battling an alcohol addiction, seek help. Inpatient and outpatient treatment programs are available across the country. Contact a treatment provider to find available treatment options.

Road safety is no accident.