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Guiding You Through Refugee Legal Processes


You can apply for refugee protection by talking to an immigration officer within Canada (referred to as an "Inland claim") or at a Port of Entry (known as a "POE claim").

The basic principles of refugee law are:

  • The principle of non-refoulement:  Under international human rights law, the principle of non-refoulement ensures that no one should be sent back to a country where they could suffer torture, cruel or inhuman treatment, or other forms of severe harm.
  • The principle of privacy:  Retain personal information only as long as needed to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, used, and disclosed, while also limiting its use and sharing.
  • The principle of not being penalized for illegal entry or presence: The Refugee Convention states that refugees cannot be penalized for irregular entry if three conditions are met: “directness,” “promptness,” and demonstrating “good cause.”

International refugee law is based on the necessity of offering protection to individuals whose home country is unable or unwilling to safeguard them and instead subjects them to persecution.


The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the accompanying regulations permit foreign nationals to work temporarily in Canada, as long as they meet the necessary requirements. Typically, foreign nationals need to secure a work permit.

RRM Law is dedicated to guiding you through refugee legal processes with compassion and expertise. Our experienced team understands the complexities of refugee claims, offering personalized support every step of the way. We assist with preparing your application, gathering necessary documentation, and representing you in the hearings. We prioritize your story and needs, ensuring that your case is presented effectively and that your rights are protected. Trust RRM Law to advocate for you in this challenging journey, helping you seek safety and security in Canada.

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