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Failing to stop for the School Bus

School Bus Safety: Understanding and Preventing Accidents

Failing to stop for a school bus is taken extremely severely for the safety of our kids and other drivers.

Keeping an eye out for school buses to ensure safety

It is indisputable that you must stop for school buses with flashing lights when it comes to children's safety. Understanding the rules and the consequences of not stopping is essential to preventing accidents and saving lives.

Definition of Failing to Stop

The Highway Traffic Act in Ontario specifies what happens when a school bus with flashing lights is halted and in the path of oncoming traffic. Drivers are required by Section 175 (11 & 12) to stop before approaching the bus from any direction in order to ensure the security of minors getting on or off.

How to Approach a School Bus: What to Do

When a school bus is halted and has red lights on, drivers are required to stop at least 20 meters behind the bus. This spacing reduces the possibility of accidents and offers enough room for safe travel.

Penalties for Failing to Stop

There are harsh consequences in Ontario for not stopping for a school bus. Fines for first-time offenders can reach $2,000, and for repeat offenders, they can reach $4,000 in penalties. In addition, the driver's record is enhanced by six demerit points, and G2 drivers risk having their license suspended for thirty days. Convictions have a three-year record on a driver's license and may affect insurance costs.

Displacing the Inability to Stop Charges

Engaging a skilled legal team with experience with cases involving failure to stop for a school bus is essential to successfully contesting accusations of this nature. With a staff of skilled attorneys, ex-police officers, and legal experts, RRM Law is well-equipped to handle the complexities of these accusations. By using our knowledge to fight for our clients' defense and ensure that their rights are upheld, we work to get the best result for them.

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