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Handheld and entertainment Device offense

Handling Offenses Involving Hand-Held and Entertainment Devices

Convictions involving electronic entertainment devices or hand-held wireless communication can have serious consequences, such as higher insurance costs or possibly license suspension. This includes using, manipulating, or carrying a hand-held wireless communication or entertainment device (such as a tablet or cell phone) while operating a vehicle, with the exception of making emergency calls to 911, even when stopped at a stop sign or traffic light.

Similarly, it is illegal to use portable electronic entertainment devices—like MP3 or DVD players, TVs, or computers—while operating a motor vehicle.

Penalties for Charging Entertainment or Hand-Held Devices

For drivers holding a G-class license in Ontario, the penalties are as follows:

- First offense: Fine ranging from $500 to $1,000 and a 3-day license suspension.

- Second offense: Fine ranging from $500 to $2,000 and a 7-day license suspension.

- Third or subsequent offenses: Fine ranging from $500 to $3,000 and a 30-day license suspension.

The significance of obtaining legal counsel is further underscored by the fact that novice class drivers (G1/G2 or M1/M2) are subject to increasing penalties upon conviction.

What RRM Law Can Do to Help You?

Every case involving accusations related to handheld or entertainment devices at RRM Law is carefully reviewed by our knowledgeable legal staff. Before we represent you in court, we gather and carefully review disclosure (evidence from the police officer) to protect your best interests as a motorist. Our attorneys can skillfully present your case in court thanks to their careful preparation, which guarantees you will have full legal counsel.

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